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News Keeping you up to date
27th June 2019

Speeds of 150kbps now accessible through Inmarsat Fleet One

We are excited to announce that customers using the Inmarsat Fleet One maritime communications solution, will benefit from a boost in performance, after Inmarsat increased the data speeds possible with the service to 150kbps.

Inmarsat Fleet One provides reliable and cost-effective voice and data services for business and crew use on small vessels, through compact, lightweight and easy to install antennas.  The popular maritime service is available from Satcom Global via a range of plans specifically designed to meet the seasonal and regional requirements of our fishing and leisure customers. The combination of the compact and economical hardware with the global service offers the ideal solution for modest data users onboard smaller fishing vessels and yachts, making accessing weather information and chart updates, communicating with those onshore or simply checking the news are now as simple to do at sea as they are on land.

Any vessels activating the Fleet One service going forward will automatically access the increased data speeds.

*Update: Customers already using the service can benefit from the higher speeds following a system upgrade facilitated by Inmarsat and the Satcom Global product develeopment team.

FB150 End of Sale

As the Inmarsat Fleet One service gets a boost in its maximum speeds, Inmarsat has announced the End of Sale of the FleetBroadband 150 terminal. The FB150 offered maximum speeds of 150kbps through the smallest and most lightweight of their flagship FleetBroadband maritime broadband solutions, which has been adopted by many small vessels over recent years. Although no longer for sale, FB150 terminals will continue to operate with existing guarantees continuing, and the other FB250 and FB500 FleetBroadband terminals from Intellian, Cobham Satcom and AddValue Technologies will continue to be available for sale.

Maritime solutions for small vessels

For owners of small vessels with modest data needs who were considering FB150 as a communications solution, Fleet One presents a suitable alternative. Alternatively, for more data hungry consumers, Satcom Global has a range of maritime communications solutions available, including the brand new Iridium Certus service which is hosted on the Iridium NEXT constellation. Although the terminal has a small form factor, the service delivers high performance and truly global broadband communications with speeds up to 704kbps.

You can read more about Fleet One and the other maritime services available in Satcom Global’s portfolio on our dedicated webpages, or check out our Resources library for product sheets and service comparisons. Alternatively, our friendly sales team in Oceania would be happy to help talk you through the options available to best suit your needs, so don’t hesitate to contact them today on

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