6th March 2017
Adventurer, Lisa Blair, is fast approaching the half way point of her epic journey to become the first female to solo sail Antarctica, raising awareness of climate change.
40 days into the challenge, after passing Point Nemo, a point so remote it is closer to the International Space Station than it is to land; Lisa spoke to Sky News over satellite phone, to update everyone on her amazing journey so far.
During the interview Lisa talks about how the challenge took three years to prepare for, training for every sailing and safety scenario that could come her way, as she travels fully reliant on her own abilities to manage situations and fix problems as they crop up.
Included with the interview is footage of Lisa and her boat being pounded by huge waves during a recent storm. Facing 5-6 metre swells and 65 knot winds, Lisa battled her way out of the storm unscathed with just a small amount of damage to Climate Action, her boat, which has been handling the changing conditions really well throughout the challenge.
Satcom Global has provided Lisa with an Inmarsat Fleet One satellite communications terminal for the duration of the challenge, enabling Lisa to send back a daily blog to her shore team, as well as take part in live telephone interviews and send video footage back to shore, helping raise the profile of the challenge and cause. We have also provided Lisa with a portable Iridium GO! smartphone to satphone device, which enables her to keep in touch with her shore team and family by SMS.
Click here to listen to Lisa’s interview with Sky News and watch the footage on Climate Action.
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